The Best way to obtain more information about our ship and crew and perhaps your own relative is to contact Les Edwards by Email:
Could Stephen Rose and Lynn do this as I have had trouble in replying to their requests for details.
Our next reunion will be at Saffron Walden, Essex on Saturday 24th March 2012. Members will be staying at the Saffron Hotel from Friday 23rd until Sunday 25th March. Our memorial service will be held on Saturday pm 24th at our memorial in the Close Gardens and our official dinner on the evening of the 24th. Normally a good turnout from the local residents, Royal Navy Assoc. Russian Convoy Veterans,Royal British Legion, Army and Air force cadets and all their Standard bearers. Wonderful support. For more information please do contact me as above.
The above photograph of our crew taken on board Lapwing after a Church parade late May 1944 in Greenoch, prior to preparations for participating in the D-day landings.
+Survivors from the Sinking of Lapwing at our reunion of 2010.
We do hope that you will contact us if you require and more information. Thank you for your time in reading our blog.
Yours in Lapwing
Les Edwards