Again we had a wonderful turn out of our members although sadly only one of our survivors, Able Seaman Tommy Jess, could manage the journey this year, but it was our privilege to be with him on this special occasion .
Our very good friends from the area again supported us at our ceremony on the Saturday afternoon and our special thanks to the following for making the memorial service a very special occasion for all us relatives of crew members:
Cllr Clifford and Valerie Treadwell -Mayor & Mayoress of Saffron Walden, all the Town Council, Simon Lloyd M.B.E. Town Clerk, Rev: Swindlehurst for conducting our short service and W.O1. Herbie Ketch, R.M.R. who was the officer i/c of the parade (and takes so much pressure off me during the afternoon). We extend our thanks to the Officers and cadets of 1824 Squadron Airforce Unit and the Officers and cadets of the Army Cadet Unit, Saffron Walden for assisting and participating in our ceremony. To the Royal British Legion Standard Bearers, Royal Navy Veterans and the Russian Convoy Veterans and the residents of Saffron Walden, on behalf of us all, I thank you for joining us.
Our reunion dinner on the Saturday evening saw many of our local friends also joining us for a splended meal and our thanks to all the staff at the Saffron Hotel for making the evening the sucess it was.Our quarterly Newsletter is now out which contains information about Lapwing herself, profiles of our individual crew members and other details of life in service during those far off days.
A few photographs below of our weekend reunion to Saffron Walden and please remember, please do contact me at and ensure that you give me your email address to come back to you should you require any further information about Lapwing, our crew or association.