H.M.S. Lapwing Reunion 2014
SATURDAY 22nd and SUNDAY 23rd March 2014.
Friday 21st March
For those who wish to arrive early, an opportunity to
explore the town and relax. At 8pm
(20.00hrs) meet in lounge of the Saffron Hotel for a chat to other members and
catch up with all our old friends from Saffron Walden.
Saturday 22nd March
During the morning, there is plenty of time to explore the town
and a visit to the town market which is well worth a visit’
1 pm (1300hrs) Meet in reception at the Saffron Hotel prior to our remembrance
2.30pm (14.30hrs) Our remembrance service at the
Lapwing Memorial during which we will
lay three Poppy wreaths, one for all our lost crew members, the second on
behalf of the widows and the third on behalf of the relatives of lost crew
members. A wreath will also be laid by the Mayor Cllr Eden on behalf of the
Council and residents of Saffron Walden
8 for 8.30pm Saturday evening - Reunion
Dinner at the Saffron Hotel
(20.00 -20.30hrs) meet in the lounge
23rd March
Most will depart this morning but for those that wish to attend the morning
service at the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, please feel free to do
We are delighted once again to welcome the younger generation to our remembrance service
where we will be joined by the Saffron Walden Army and Air force cadet units and for the first
time a unit from Cambridge Sea Cadets from TS Ganges.
We will include in our next posting a write up of the weekend along with photographs.
If you would like any more information about our weekend please do either call me (01534 744041)
or Email: lesedwards@jerseymail.co.uk